Patrick Wagstrom's Thesis Page

Ph.D. Thesis

The title of my thesis is “Vertical Interaction in Open Software Engineering Communities”. My committee consists of James D. Herbsleb (Institute for Software Research at CMU, co-chair), Kathleen Carley (Computations, Organizations, and Society at CMU, co-chair), Audris Mockus (Avaya), and M. Granger Morgan (Engineering and Public Policy at CMU). It was submitted as part of the requirements for both a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and also a Ph.D. in Computation, Organizations, and Society in the College of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. So, it is a dual Ph.D. (not a two Ph.D.s).

My thesis defense took place on March 9, 2009. For posterity’s sake, I’ve preserved Patrick’s awesome thesis defense page.


Thesis Defense Slides:

My thesis proposal took place on March 5, 2008.

Thesis Proposal:

Thesis Proposal Slides:

Master of Science Thesis

Department of Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology. My committee was Xian-He Sun and Gady Agam. Despite the very large number of Master of Science degrees that IIT awards in computer science, very few students write a thesis.

My Master’s thesis is titled “Scarlet: A Framework for Context Aware Computing”.

My thesis defense took place on July 16, 2003.
