PriDB Query Language Intro

Sat, Dec 27, 2003 with tags pridb

This is a brief introduction to what I’m thinking for PriDB’s query langauage. It’s a weird mixture of SQL and XPATH right now, so you kinda need to know both. The most simple request will look something like this:

SELECT "//*" FROM documentName

Such a query is equal to the more conventional:

SELECT * FROM tableName

Except that it will select each node in the document instead of each row in the table. Now you can also apply your usual modifiers to a query like you can in SQL. For instance you can execute a query like this:


This will return the first three distinct elements in the return set to the user. On the down side, I don’t know a nice way in XPATH to say only return the first three. For instance, if you only want the first element in an XPATH query you’d use something like //*[1], but you can’t change that to //*[1-5]. All the references that I’ve found to limiting ask you use to XSLT to limit. Which is fine and dandy, but not the way I want to do it right now.

Another interesting note is that where clauses don’t exist in this modified version of SQL, at least not right now, I may add them later. Right now the entire where clause must be specified in the XPATH identifier. For instance to get all nodes unique nodes that have an attribute called name with a value of simpleName you would run the following query:

SELECT DISTINCT "//*[@name='simpleName']" FROM testDocument