Hot on the heels of me starting to use Log4Net in OSSim, comes my first code addition to the project. The original ColoredConsoleAppender only works on Windows because it calls Win32 APIs. I don’t really like that fact because I use Mono under Linux. However, I remember from my good old BBS days that you could use ANSI escape codes to do fun colors. These also work under Linux as that’s what you use to colorize your prompts (something I’m a fan of as it allows me to easily see what system I’m on).
With a little bit of hacking out comes AnsiColoredConsoleAppender. This little puppy works just like the regular ColoredConsoleAppender except that it works under Linux and MacOSX. Oh yeah, and you’ve got a new tag, attrs instead of adding on HighIntensity to the foreColor tag. In addition, you have lots more values for the attrs tag such as Bright, Dim, Underscore, Blink, Reverse, Hidden, or Strikethrough. Try it out and send me feedback.