One of the more interesting things about living in Pittsburgh is that we’re a lot closer to the coast and mountains (or hills, or bumps, whatever you call the Appalachians) and as such we get weather from the coasts. Last year I had to try an fly out while the remnants of Hurrican Isabel were bearing down on Pittsburgh. This year, we get the remnants of Hurricane Frances. It appears that it’s coming right for us. says that we have a 100% chance of rain coming up here. What fun.
Projected Path of Tropical Storm Frances](/resources/images/blog/tropicalStormFrances.png)
I also found out something interesting. I was wondering why my thumbnails from yesterday’s stitching entry were so large. Apparently I forgot to tell ImageMagick to strip out the profile information. I should have used the following command line: convert -size 200x200 infile.jpg -resize 200x200 +profile APP1 outfile.jpg. This removes the extra EXIF information embedded in the file, which isn’t needed for web thumbnails.