Well, the van is dead. It proved to be a good vehicle and had a good life. In the end it just couldn’t keep up, and in the words of my Dad, I was supposed to “shoot it and put it out of it’s misery”. With $500 of engine repair and $1300 or tranny repair and more costs to get it licensed in Pennsylvania, I had to give up. It had a lived a nice good life.
Final van Mileage
I decided to take a few pictures of the vehicle to give me something to remember it by. In the end, it was good vehicle, lasted me for a little over four years, during which time I put about 60,000 miles on it. It was able to get me here to Pittsburgh, and was able to get Kristina and I to and from Texas for the wedding and all. Here are some pictures of it as it was being taken away.
The immobile van
Hoisting it up
Towing it away
In related news, we’re going to go looking for a new car next weekend. No word on whether or not we’re going to buy one or not. If anyone knows of any good dealers in Pittsburgh (or has references about the dealers on Liberty ave), let us know. Unfortunately, we’re basically confined to the Liberty avenue dealers as they’re the only ones withing walking distance.