A FOAFing we will go

Wed, Sep 15, 2004 with tags web

Once again I got distracted, imagine that. So you might know that I’ve been interested in a lot of the things that the Semantic Web has to offer. In particular is the use of MetaData, such as RDF, to describe documents. This is actually a key part of what I plan on doing in PennAve.

Along those lines, somehow last night I got distracted by FOAF, so I decided to update my foaf file with the relevant information about me. I also went a step further and figured out how to sign my FOAF file. If I ever get really interested, I’ll make some more personal information available in a special encrypted FOAF file. But this if fine for now.

I put a little icon on the side of the page advertising how neato FOAF can be. Right now it’s a GIF, I don’t really like that. They had some smaller ones that I’ll look into also. Also, there was a nifty SVG one that someone had, but that will just show up as weird for most people. But, then again, I’d like to think people interested in the sematic web also have support for SVG in their browsers.