Run for your lives! Apparently Cat Stevens is such a dangerous terrorist that the flight he was on from London to Washington, D.C. diverted because he was on the terroist watch list. Here is the kicker, they didn’t notice he was on the watch list until AFTER the plane was in the air. I’m sorry, this pretty much verifies that the watch list if FUCKING BULLSHIT and doesn’t make us more safe. Ostensibly the purpose of such a list is to prevent nasty little terrorist guys from hijacking our planes. What good does that do on a trans-atlantic flight if they can’t stop it until Bangor, ME?
This is just another case of stupid security procedures and the Bush administrations attempts to take America into a police state. They’re playing on the fears of Americans, which is crap. They’re only way to stay in power is fear. Dick Cheney spreads it. Dennis Hastert spreads it. Rick Santorum spreads it. Stand up against this sort of bullshit today.