My Uber-Intelligent office and stat/public health loving officemate Sarah sent me a wonderful set of public health slides from California. Apparently, this briefing was used for the Governator to convince him that California needed to stop “Dumb growth” and be more intelligent about creating communities. It touches on a lot of issues, such as community design, exercise, and walking to school and has some good graphs in it. I’ve taken the liberty of using some ImageMagick Ninja-Foo to convert the set of slides on obesity to trends to a nice animated gif, which you can see below. The moral is that apparently all the hard bodies live in Colorado, while every place else in America is populated by fatasses. Yay for Mississippi.
a2ps -a 39-45 -1 090904Handout.pdf -o - | \
convert -resize 512x384 -size 512x384 -rotate 90 -delay 500 -dispose None - out.gif