Development of any moderately complex software package is a social process. Even if a project is developed entirely by a single person, there is still a social component that consists of all of the people who use the software, file bugs, and provide recommendations for enhancements. This social aspect is one of the driving forces behind the proliferation of social software development sites such as GitHub, SourceForge, Google Code, and BitBucket.
These sites combine together a variety of tools that are common for software development such as version control, bug trackers, mailing lists, release management, project planning, and wikis. In addition, some of these have more social aspects that allow you find and follow individual developers or watch particular projects. In this post I’m going to show you how we can use some this information to gain insight into a software development community, specifically the community around the Tinkerpop stack of tools for graph databases.
Graph Databases are in the broad family of NoSQL databases. For about 30 years the dominant form of data storage and access has been through relational databases (e.g. Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, etc). These present your data as a table with various rows. These tables can have constraints and pointers that map a column in one table to a column in another table through a process called a join. In this way it’s possible to create relations between records and build rich collections of data.
Relational databases are very nice and can scale fairly well, but they’re not suitable for all problems. In particular, there may be cases where atomicity can be sacrificed in exchange for higher performance or where the schema of the data may frequently change resulting in severe problems mapping the data to a traditional database.
This has led to a multitude of different solutions for data storage and access. Some of the more popular solutions are Google’s BigTable for distributed data storage, MongoDB for a schemaless document database, and Memcached for distributed object storage and caching. These alternative style of databases are generally lumped into a category of NoSQL, which means either “Not SQL” or “Not Only SQL” or perhaps something else depending on who you speak to.
A specific subclass of NoSQL databases is graph databases. A graph database represents your data a network of vertices and edges that connect them. Vertices and edges can have various properties that define the object. As opposed to traditional databases where a query crawls over the entire table to find the appropriate elements, queries within a graph database are often done via traversals that walk the graph from one node to another. Examples of graph databases are Neo4j, OrientDB, Trinity, InfiniteGraph, and Dex. A complete description of these databases are beyond the simple explanation here, but Wikipedia has a decent primer on graph databases.
Tinkerpop is a loosely coupled virtual organization centered around Marko Rodriguez that develops infrastructure libraries and interfaces for graph databases.
Tinkerpop has six major projects that are hosted on Github:
As part of an ongoing research effort between IBM and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, I’ve written a tool called GitMiner that can connect to Github and pull down information on a set of projects. In celebration of Gremlin hitting 600 watchers on Github, I pulled the complete network for all of the Tinkerpop projects from Github from May 1-3, 2012. This network contains the following pieces of information:
In a future post I’ll provide more details of how you can use GitMiner to access data on your own projects. I’ll also provide some pointers to other data sets people may wish to analyze.
For this analysis we’re going to use a couple of different software packages. First, we’ll be using Gremlin to do some queries of the database and to create exportable networks for further analysis. Additional analysis will be conducted using R. These instructions are generically for people running a Mac, Linux, or other operating system with a posix-like command line interface. If you’re on Windows you should be able to follow along but you’ll need to modify the shell commands. All the tools used in this analysis are cross-platform, open source, and freely available.
I’m not going to repeat everything in the Gremlin docs here, but here’s a brief overview of what you’ll need to do to get going on a Mac or :
cd ~
git clone git://
cd gremlin
mvn clean compile package
This assumes that you’ve already got a nice java development environment setup and that you have maven installed. If this is your first time using maven to build any Java packages this can take a long time as it will automatically download all of the dependencies needed to compile and run Gremlin.
R is a language for statistical computing. It’s slow, uses strange syntax, and is a memory hog. In short, it’s quite possible one of the worst possible ways to do this analysis. However, it also is the dominant language in the field and provides a huge number of libraries and tutorials that we’ll use for our analysis.
There are a variety of different ways to interact with R. If you’re on Windows or a Mac the standard downloads of R have a decent graphical interface for editing scripts and running commands. If you’re an Emacs hacker, ESS is a great library that interfaces nicely with R. If working inside of Eclipse is your thing, then use StatEt. Personally, I use R-Studio for most of my work. Further screenshots will be based on R-Studio, but you should be able to follow along with other interfaces.
Installing R-Studio is straightforward. Visit the R-Studio Desktop download page and download and install the version for your platform.
I’ve posted the Tinkerpop Social Graph as a Neo4j database, you should visit it and download TinkerpopSocialGraph.20120501.db.tar.gz. After downloading it you should go into the directory where you downloaded and compiled Gremlin and extract it. If you’re on a Mac or Linux, the commands will generally be something like this:
cd ~/gremlin
tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/TinkerpopSocialGraph.20120501.db.tar.gz
The dataset is fairly large, about 148MB compressed. It’s quite a bit of data and if you’re a lazy student taking your first SNA class it should have enough data to do a really kick-ass class project. If you’re a grad student and interested in writing a paper on this sort of data email me and we can probably collaborate.
Gremlin provides a interactive interpreter that we can use to explore
the graph. You can start it up by running ./
. Then run the
following commands. lines that begin with gremlin>
are the lines you
should type into the interpreter.
To begin with we we’ll connect to graph and get a specific node from the database. In this case, we’ll pull up the node that represents Marko Rodriguez, the main developer of tools from Tinkerpop.
(o o)
gremlin> g = new Neo4jGraph("tinkerpop/tinkerpop.db")
==>neo4jgraph[EmbeddedGraphDatabase [/Users/pwagstro/gremlin/tinkerpop/tinkerpop.db]]
gremlin> marko = g.idx("user-idx").get("login","okram").next()
==>location=Santa Fe, New Mexico
==>name=Marko A. Rodriguez
==>fullname=Marko A. Rodriguez
==>biography=graph algebra, digital librarianship, computational eudaemonics, graph theory, network science, government architecture, network metrics, decision support systems, computational social choice theory, social networks, scientometrics, collective intelligence, semantic networks, ontologies, bibliometrics, information science, swarm intelligence, information markets, peer-review process, computational sociology, knowledge engineering, computer architecture, programming languages, theoretical computing, psychometrics, multi-relational graphs, knowledge representation, reasoning, neural networks, multi-valued logic, neural growth algorithms, recommendation algorithms, distributed computing, ethics.
The values output by
are the properties of the vertex
that represents Marko in the database. With the exception of the
properties that being with sys_
, which were added by
GitMiner when the data were imported, all of the other
properties are obtained directly from the GitHub API.
In a similar vein we can get the vertex that represents Gremlin using the following commands:
gremlin> gremlin = g.idx("repo-idx").get("reponame", "tinkerpop/gremlin").next()
==>description=A Graph Traversal Language
While this provides a lot of information about individual vertices in the database, it doesn’t provide information about how projects or people are related. We get at this information by looking at the edges connected to a vertex. Within databases such as Neo4j and OrientDB edges are directed and always got from a single source node to a single target node. This query will iterate over all of the outgoing edges from Marko and count up their types.
gremlin> m = [:]
gremlin> marko.outE.label.groupCount(m).iterate(); null
gremlin> m.sort{a,b -> a.value <=> b.value}
There are a lot of types of edges in the database (see [
in the project source][edgetype] for the complete list). In this case
we’ll focus on the project social network, which is shown through the
relationships. At the time of data pull
Marko was following 12 people and had 57 followers.
Likewise, we can do a similar query for incoming edges:
gremlin> m = [:]
gremlin> marko.inE.label.groupCount(m).iterate(); null
gremlin> m.sort{a,b -> a.value <=> b.value}
When we reverse the direction and look at incoming edges these numbers differ, and it shows that there are only nine people that Marko is a follower of and 41 people that Marko is following. The difference in these values is because the data only contains the sample of people around the Tinkerpop projects. Thus, we can see that there are 57-41=16 people that are following Marko that don’t show up in the data. This is because they don’t have activity, such as creating issues, commenting on issues, or watching a repository, that would pick them up in our sample. We know they exist, but we don’t have much information about them.
Now that you’ve gotten a feel for getting information about a single vertex in graph, it’s time to do a simple traversal. To start with, lets get the names of all of the contributors to gremlin.
gremlin> gremlin.out('REPO_CONTRIBUTOR').login
This query starts with the Gremlin vertex we identified before and
then follows all edges labeled REPO_CONTRIBUTOR
which is GitHub’s
way of saying someone has code in the project repository. Once we’ve
followed all of those edges we can fetch the login name of the users.
In a similar vein, we can get the name of all of the projects that Marko has contributed to using the following query:
Now, we can put the two together. Our first query got a list of all of the people who contributed to Gremlin. Let’s take it step further and get the list of all of the people who have contributed to projects that Marko has contributed to.
This, however shows many people multiples. Let’s just count how many times each name appears and then sort the list. This will give a rough idea of the people that Marko works closest to.
gremlin> m = [:]
gremlin> m.sort{a,b -> a.value <=> b.value}
Taking this a step forward, lets look at what other projects people in
this set watch. We need to branch out another layer, but first we need
to be careful and add in a dedup()
in the pipe to ensure that we’re
not counting some projects too often.
gremlin> m = [:];
gremlin>'REPO_CONTRIBUTOR').out('REPO_CONTRIBUTOR').dedup().out('REPO_WATCHED').fullname.groupCount(m).iterate(); null
gremlin> m.sort{a,b -> a.value <=> b.value }
It’s no surprise that the projects in the tinkerpop stack are the most watched projects among the developers who work on Tinkerpop projects. However, there are a few other interesting pieces of software the seem popular. Among others Storm is a realtime computation system written in Java and Clojure that’s great for munging through thousands of logs. Bulbs is a nifty python interface to many of graph databases. Nerlo is a mechanism to use Neo4j from within Erlang. My apologies if my descriptions are wrong, as some of these projects are new to me too.
That’s enough about traversals in the data for now. I’ll leave to explore the data on your own. In future articles I’ll cover more about actually mining the relationships.
While graph databases and Gremlin are very useful for storing your data and doing traversals on data, they’re not always well structured for doing computation on the data and gaining insight over a wide number of projects. In grad school I studied with one of the leaders in the field of social network analysis, and now that she’s given me a hammer, it seems like everything looks like a nail. In this section I describe how to get your data out of a graph database and into a program like R.
A common interchange format for social network data is in the GraphML format - an XML specification for describing graphs. It was first used by individuals interested in visualizing large scale graphs. As such, it has significant drawbacks that make it less than ideal compared to other formats such as DynetML (e.g. on a single graph, no nesting, edges must all be directed or undirected). In any case, it’s what we have, so we’ll use it. Fortunately, both Gremlin and the igraph package for R, which we’ll be using later, support GraphML.
I’ve created a simple script that you can run in your current Gremlin
session. You should be able to just paste this code into your running
gremlin session and it will save the network to file called
The astute observer will notice a couple of things about this. First, we’re using a specialized method to get all of the users associated with the Gremlin project on GitHub. However, we’re not following all of the ways a user can be associated. For example, we’re not looking a issues, pull requests, commits, or other events.
Secondly, we’re skipping a lot of edges and vertices. In this case we’re skipping every edge that doesn’t lead to a user in this set. The reason for that is because if we didn’t skip these edges we’d have a network with 30,000+ nodes as opposed to to the 606 in this network. While it’s possible to do analysis on networks of that size, it is much slower and would prove to be a bit of a distraction here.
Network as visualized in Cytoscape
This finishes the section of the article dealing with gremlin from the command line. From here on out the operations are done in R.
** Very Important: ** Before exiting Gremlin run the command
to close the graph database. If you don’t do this
then you’ll have to wait for a recovery process then next time you
look at the data.
Within R the first thing to do is to make sure you have the igraph package installed. You can do this by running the following command and following the directions:
Now that we’ve got igraph installed, it’s time to have some fun. First, we need to tell R to use the functions inside of the igraph library and to load our data.
graph <- read.graph("follower.graphml", format="graphml")
First let’s get some summary information. This can be done with the
and vcount
functions. It shows that in the current network
there are 510 edges and 606 nodes.
> ecount(graph)
[1] 510
> vcount(graph)
[1] 606
This network has a lot of isolates in it. That’s somewhat to be expected as not every user utilizes the follower feature of github. The following commands will remove isolates from our data set and results in a network of 236 vertices and 510 edges.
> isolates <- which(degree(graph, mode = 'all') == 0) - 1
> graph <- delete.vertices(graph, isolates)
> summary(graph)
Vertices: 236
Edges: 510
Directed: TRUE
No graph attributes.
Vertex attributes: location, sys_last_updated, type, blog, gravatarId, following, followers, createdAt, name, login, fullname, gitHubId, sys_events_added, user_type, totalPrivateRepoCount, private_gist_count, biography, sys_last_full_update, diskUsage, url, public_gist_count, collaborators, email, sys_created_at, company, ownedPrivateRepoCount, public_repo_count, id.
Edge attributes: sys_created_at, id.
First, lets get an idea of the degree of the vertices in the graph. This command creates a histogram that clumps vertices by the number of edges they have. We see that only a very few have many edges, most have fewer than 10 edges. I should stress, this does not reflect the total number of people those accounts follow, rather it reflects only the total number of people within Gremlin that each account follows.
Now, lets look a couple of the classic centrality measures. Betweenness centrality calculates the proportion of all shortest paths between vertices that a particular vertex sits on. If communication had to go person to person and could only go along connections that are established, these people would prove to be key in the network.
results <- data.frame(login=get.vertex.attribute(graph, "login"))
results$betweenness <- betweenness(graph)
results$evcent <- evcent(graph)$vector
Now that we’ve calculated those centralities, let’s take a look. We’ll start with betweenness. According to this data the user that has the most central role is spmallette, an active participant in the tinkerpop communities, followed by ahzf, a developer who is working on .Net ports of many blueprints services. In third place is a research account from a university in Korea. This account shows up all over the place and I generally consider it to be a spam account. It follows tens of thousands users and therefore creates artificially short paths between users, boosting it’s score in the process. In fourth place is Marko, the leader of Tinkerpop.
> results[order(-results$betweenness), c("login", "betweenness")][1:10, ]
login betweenness
165 spmallette 8415.414
156 ahzf 8332.422
134 hcilab 7963.272
16 okram 6492.181
107 igrigorik 5793.494
235 joshbuddy 4623.192
87 collin 3305.313
172 pangloss 2442.794
219 stonegao 2165.359
60 dann 1876.813
In the betweenness centrality model, which is a directed model, users who follow few additional users are penalized. As Marko only follows a handful of users, his score is low, despite the fact that many people in the community follow him.
However, when we use eigenvector centrality, which is a more robust centrality metric, is used, we find a more interesting picture. Marko and peterneubauer are the top individuals, followed by spmallette and joshsh, additional developers of Tinkerpop.
> results[order(-results$evcent), c("login", "evcent")][1:10, ]
login evcent
16 okram 1.0000000
167 peterneubauer 0.9739565
165 spmallette 0.6607181
13 joshsh 0.5872818
107 igrigorik 0.5665205
226 thobe 0.5273195
219 stonegao 0.5220129
14 alexaverbuch 0.5173995
178 nawroth 0.4466164
156 ahzf 0.4284547
There’s always more that you can do with these tools, and in the future I’ll discuss some more, but for now I hope this has given you a taste for how to mine social networks from GitHub. Enjoy!