Hey world, long time no blog. Last time I wrote an article I had barely moved to Connecticut and IBM Watson Group didn’t even exist yet. Anyway, I’ve taken some time to do two major changes to my website. First, I’ve migrated everything over to Hugo. As I get more content this becomes less and less trivial, but Hugo seems like it’s a great balance between usability and performance. I’ve also refactored my personal website to run my web pages through a series of docker containers. The notable thing about that change is that it now has a nginx http/2.0 capable frontend that is proxying traffic to containers on the backend. It’s all running through Docker.
I’ve also published the source code for both these containers and my personal website. As you might expect, you can find them both on GitHub:
I’m certain that there still are a few little nits and issues with the website. Mainly around the fact that this webpage has been evolving for the last sixteen years (nineteen if you count time time before it was at patrick.wagstrom.net). That means there are a lot of old web crawlers out there that are looking for content that just isn’t there anymore.