
Here are the steps one can take to get free wireless in Linux. As long as the network isn’t encrypted this should work. Install and configure Kismet. Sniff traffic to find open access points. If an open access point is not available, then sniff for MAC addresses. Modify your driver to force your MAC address to that of an existing client Make sure to write down your old address. Install the modified driver.

Sun, Feb 13, 2005

I’m surpised by how many people have emailed me about MythTorrent over the past few days. I didn’t expect that people actually noticed when I posted stuff here. Anyway, here is a bit more of an explanation of how it works. First of all, it is an independent python script that connects to your master database using the MySQLdb database driver. From there it queries the recorded table and gets a list of all of the most recently recorded shows.

Thu, Feb 10, 2005

I’m sorta on a mission. I really need some graphics to brand my presentations and stuff, but most are of hideous resolution or in non-editable format. With that being said, my new hack today is the College of Engineering logo for Carnegie Mellon. For some reason, my SVG viewer doesn’t like always displaying these, but I assure that you can mangle them all you’d like in your favorite SVG editor. If you’d like to download them, here is the black logo and here is the blue logo.

Wed, Feb 9, 2005

Here is the old logo for CASOS. It looks okay, but it’s only in raster format and furthermore has lots of annoying artifacts from being JPEG compressed a few too many times. I got tired of this, so I created a nice new vector image. This was done using [Inkscape]( and [Autotrace]( (for the words). Now that it's SVG, not only is it smaller once compressed, but it also is infinitely scalable and convertable.

Mon, Feb 7, 2005

As most of my readers know, before migrating to Pittsburgh, I lived in Chicago for six years. It’s a great city to live in and their parks are wonderful. While in Chicago, I paid my share of city taxes. I’m sure some of my money went to help build Millenium Park, which was supposed to be open in 2000, but didn’t open up until 2004. I got a chance to see it in November when I was in town for CSCW.

Thu, Jan 27, 2005

My Uber-Intelligent office and stat/public health loving officemate Sarah sent me a wonderful set of public health slides from California. Apparently, this briefing was used for the Governator to convince him that California needed to stop “Dumb growth” and be more intelligent about creating communities. It touches on a lot of issues, such as community design, exercise, and walking to school and has some good graphs in it. I’ve taken the liberty of using some ImageMagick Ninja-Foo to convert the set of slides on obesity to trends to a nice animated gif, which you can see below.
This is a bit of a lazyweb request. Does anyone know of a way so I can see who the six people who subscribe to my feed on BlogLines. If it’s truly fostering a social atmosphere then you should be able to see who is subscribed, ala

Mon, Dec 13, 2004

I’m progressing well on my war to reclaim bandwidth back from spammers and other nefarious foul beasts who can barely be classified as human. Today I had to take a step that I’d rather not do because it becomes a real pain in the butt, but nonetheless, I needed to do it. One of the wonderful things about the web is the ability to link to any document anywhere on the web.

Fri, Dec 10, 2004

Realizing that I shouldn’t be content with just sending out 403 codes to link spammers, I decided to get a little more devious. I’ve now hooked up a CGI to handle the 403 errors. What’s even better, it hooks into pfctl on OpenBSD to dynamically ban the people as they hit the site. You can’t ask for much better than that. Well, we could be talking about integrating some layer 7 stuff here, but I digress.
Looking through my weblogs I saw that I also was getting a lot of hits from, at first I thought it was a nifty site like that allowed you to see friends links. It turns out that they’re part of a group called AdminShop, and they’re basically doing link spamming. So I needed to add them to my block list. Now this seems to cut down on most of my link spamming.