
Wed, Sep 25, 2002

Today I figured out how to get LaTeX to generate PDFs that work for full screen display with nice big letters so I can easily make presentation slides. That first part took the use of FoilTeX which is a not-so-free package of LaTeX macros from IBM designed to make slides. I had the second epiphany when I downloaded and installed PPower4 which allows me to add in transitions and background colors to my LaTeX.

Fri, Sep 20, 2002

Today I arose at 6:20am to take the GRE, for the second time. I think I could write pages and pages about the people who were in the waiting room in Prometric at 20 N Clark, but I don’t have the time. Needless to say it was some interesting people watching. Anyway, I did it, I raised my score 60 points, I’m not sure if it was worth $100, but I can hope it was.
Wired has a nice article up about Lawrence Lessig and how he will soon be arguing Eldred vs Ashcroft in the Supreme Court. It’s a good read first to get an idea about who he is, but it also provides some interesting backdrops to the case.

Sat, Sep 14, 2002 is one of the funniest sites I’ve in a long time. It provides a little bit of amusement while I’m stuck scanning in 80+ pages for CS450 because the book is out of print. Check it out.

Sat, Sep 14, 2002

Instead of doing homework I decided that I would rather finally add the feature to my web pages where it shows my recent weblogs. You should be able to see it on the side of some of the pages. This was accomplished using a modified version of RSSLIB and some of my mad PHP skills.

Tue, Jul 16, 2002

I’m really sad, I came into work today just to synchronize the CVS repository. I still feel like I’m having revenge of El Burrito Loco. I slept quite a bit after I got back yesterday, but it still wasn’t enough. I think that I’ve got something else also, I probably need to really wash all the stuff that Simba came with because I think that some of the other animals that he was living with I’m allergic to.

Sun, Jul 7, 2002

I got another hedgehog today, his name is Simba and he is an absolutely enomrous albino. He really needs to loose some weight. Introduction to Brutus went about as well as could be expected. Brutus really seems indifferent to Simba’s existence. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s used to being handled so much, or because of his vision and not being able to see Simba. Simba, on the other hand, is a different story.

Tue, Jun 25, 2002

I’ve been mucking with writing my own blogging software for the better part of the last few years, I’m realizing now that although there will never be a solution that I’m completely happy with, it’s less effort for me to find a tool and use that. Looking around the web, I found two interesting candidates Monaural Jerk and Movable Type. Although Monaural Jerk really intersted me, it hasn’t been updated in almost a year, so I’m using the Perl based MovableType.